Remember that flame that burned within you as a young girl, when you believed you could be, do or have anything you wanted when you grew up?
Those days seemed like there were no limits, right?
As we grew up, the realities of life set in. We began to understand that our limits were determined by our environment; our carers, what we heard, what we experienced, what the expectations were or were not for us. Our world was shaped based on the external environment, determining our reality & way of being. We'd mould ourselves into what ever shape the family dynamic required, in order to fit in, be liked, to feel safe, to be accepted & loved. Maybe you even told yourself those dreams you had when you were young were just 'silly' & 'unrealistic', popping them to the side & going with what you 'should' be or do. It's easy to forget the spark that once burned brightly within us, especially when the daily grind of responsibility, parenting & survival takes over. So, what's my point here? * I promise you want to stick around for the end. Last week I returned from London, with my family where I became an author of the book Women Leading the Way which launched at London & Paris Book Fair. I spoke on a summit panel & won an award for my work in Conscious Motherhood. I tell you this because when I was a child I knew it was a non negotiable that I would become a mother. I was going to be a teacher & I loved creative writing. English was my top score in high school because I enjoyed it. Anyway, turns out I failed year 12 & put all my dreams to the side. I fell into the corporate trap for far too long, chasing money, people pleasing, saying yes when I didn't want to & my worth determined by the external. It took me 3 births (one traumatic) to finally come back to my roots, and through postpartum healing something made me pick up a pen & begin creative writing again. I began healing through creativity: processing my pain & expressing myself. All of a sudden I was excited to wake up everyday (although exhausted) my world started aligning, that flame started flickering again & eventually (two years later) that fire is burning bright. How? That was the beginning of honouring my inner child's desires. WHAT I LOVE. FOR ME. FOR LITTLE SARAH. Not for anyone else. That little girl trusted her instinct, was whole, innocent, lovable & she naturally knew what lit her soul on fire. And in a roundabout way everything that I loved as a child is now my reality, all folded into the work I do with mum's. So I want to leave you with some questions to begin your journey back to you; to the little you that knows she is capable of anything she sets her heart to, but maybe feels like her dreams were popped on hold. Here you go:
· "What was that one, or two things as a child you really loved?" · "What did you tell people you wanted to be when you grew up when they asked?" · "What did you enjoy at school?" · "What did you do well at in school?" · "What is that one thing that lights your soul up today as an adult?" · "What is that thing that you feel if you had your time again you would do?" · "What are the two things you talk most about today?"
And the big one....
"If you could be, do or have anything, absolutely anything in your life (without any limits placed upon you) what would that be?"
Start noticing the inner wisdom that you already hold, mumma.
If you want to secure your copy of my new book, pre order your copy here.
1: Women Changing the World Summit, London
2: Holding the hardcopy of my first book 'Women Leading the Way' for the first time at the summit
3: Women Leading the Way Book cover
4: Summit with Women Changing the World Press
5: Award: Second place 'Women in Wellness & Wellbeing'
6: Meeting the Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson
7, 8 & 9: Award 'Women Changing the World Awards
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